<aside> 💡 This document describes the functional requirements and specifications for JANA project and It’s cover all functionality to support the DEV and QA teams while building the project and as a reference for future development. The purpose of this document is to build JANA project as a structural and organized methodology by explaining step by step what the product requirements and the success scenario to build the product functionality.


Document Version Control

Version No Date Change Description (Add/ Modify/ Delete) Change Done By Approved By
0.1 04/01/2023 Introduction, Overall Description Chapters Add Abdelrahman Ragab
0.2.1 05/01/2023 Complete Overall Description, System Features Chapter Modify & Add Abdelrahman Ragab
0.2.2 06/01/2023 Complete System Features (User) Chapter Modify & Add Abdelrahman Ragab
0.3.1 07/01/2023 System Features (Admin) Chapter Add Abdelrahman Ragab
0.3.2 08/01/2023 Complete System Features (Admin) Chapter Add Abdelrahman Ragab
0.4 11/01/2023 Final Version Modify & Add Abdelrahman Ragab

Introduction Chapter

Jana is an investment application which help the users to invest in real estate and other investment types to get the revenue from the investment within the period of the investment. Jana support different types of investments and you can invest as you prefer.


This purpose of this document is cover the whole functionality and specifications to build JANA application and support the QA to view the requirements to validate the build functionalities of the application. Also, this document uses as a reference for future development for the project and understand the features and scope.


The document scope is build the JANA System which cover:

Product Description
User Application Which covers all functionalities for the end-user who use the application to invest in the investment Ads.
Admin Panel Which covers all functionalities for the super-admin who manage the platform to control about all functionalities and manage all users (End-users - Investors).

Product Features

JANA Product covers some features for the users who use the application and cover:

Feature Description
Invest with trusted investment funds You can invest with trusted investment funds in Saudi Arabia.
Investment Transparency We provide all transparency while you use the application by displaying all details about the investment.
E-Wallet You can use our application to add or/and withdraw your money in the wallet.
Different Payment Methods You can add the amount of the investment by your preferred payment method (Credit Card - Money Transfer - Mada - Apple Pay).
Track Investment Application provide you to track and manage your investment(s).
Upgrade Investment Account Application provide you to upgrade your investment account for more investments.


R. # Name Link
01 JANA Figma
02 JANA Miro Board Miro Board
02 SRS Template https://exinfm.com/training/M2C3/srs_template.doc
03 Aseel (Competitor) https://investaseel.sa/
04 Awaed (Competitor) https://awaed.fund/

Overall Description Chapter